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2024 British Car Roundup 3/23-24

2024 British Car Roundup Run & Show

By Morris Garagian

The VBAC Roundup was kicked off at 7:46 a.m., Mar 23, when the text message from Pres. Jon was received: “Good Morning… it’s gonna be a great day! The weather gods appear to be sympathetic to our needs & all this weather should clear out to give us a sunny day today. Pray for the same tomorrow.” Now, dear readers, Bro Jon has never left us down, so Morris commenced to drop the hood on Green Goblin for the anticipated run through the Sierra foothills. Morris did have his doubts as precipitation pelted the garage, but after downing the last cup of java, Goblin & self were off for our day of adventure. As we left, a good sign – sunshine was starting to pop through the clouds.

Meeting at the Clovis Cole was a myriad of British Iron. Sis Deborah had done her masterful job of having her JAG group attend, old friends Doug & Zelda from SoCal MG Club had made it, as well as Registrar Mike from NAMGAR. Prior president Warren and Rebecca showed up with the infamous FrankenJag. All total, we had 26 vehicles and about 50 people ready to make the climb to the nether regions of our foothills. After a short welcome by Pres. Jon and a safety message from Bro Martin, we were ‘clutches out’. Martin had volunteered to sweep with his MG clone (Mazda Miata) and Morris knew this was a great sacrifice due to Martin hating being led by an MGA!

Leaving the urban Fresno-Clovis area behind, we made the northbound climb to the North Fork area where a leg stretch and photo op was accomplished. (Thanks, Zelda, for herding the cats and getting everyone together for your photo). Too bad we didn’t have more time for additional pictures; the snow clouds over the Sierra made a dynamic backstop. Continuing on our way, Goblin opened up a bit more, straightening out some of the curves a mite. Just past Kerckhoff Reservoir, on the climb out of the valley, we encountered wild turkeys (the birds, not the booze). This required a downshift and a minor slowdown before continuing to Auberry, Prather, and finally back to our destination where Jon had made reservations for some grub and grog. After swapping stories, we bid everyone a fond adieu to prep for the next day’s festivities.

The following day, the weather gods decided to have a change of heart. At 5:00 a.m., the hood and side curtains went back up on Goblin as the rains started. Being that it was predawn made a challenge for setting up, but Bro Russ was prepared – he had remembered to bring his portable headlamp and was actually able to accomplish his tasks vision aided. Unfortunately, every time someone asked a question, his LED blinded the questioner as he swung his head to answer. We had a great comedy routine!

Soon the pop ups, tables, and sound system were installed and we were ready for car arrivals and they soon started to appear. In recognition of the 100 year anniversary, a special ‘MG Corral’ was established for the marque and we did have a good turnout, though not the anticipated number. In spite of the adverse conditions, the show did go on. Our featured beneficiary, the Central Valley Military Veterans, had their booth set near our registration table and representatives were on hand all day to answer questions about their organization. The Elks Club again provided breakfast burritos, but, unfortunately, were not able to open the bar this year. Alas, no Bloody Marys or Irish Coffee!

Although there was a decided decline in the number of entrees this year, we were able to attract some very nice ‘1st timers’. Besides the cars, from the veterans ranks, we had three past presidents and one past Roundup Chairman; Bro Kurt & Janelle who brought their immaculate E-type.

Many show attendees sought cover from the continued rain. Bro Charles & Virginia brought their own pop up shelter and Virginia used it extensively while Charles was testing his classic 60s Chevy pickup’s wonderful heater! The traditional Oil Spot Contest was cancelled. However, Bro Richard was able to perform the Manual Crank Demonstration with his Triumph as he dodged the rain drops. The TR-3 started with ½ turn of the crank handle and ran so well that Morris had to check with Rich to make sure the car was running.

It appears we had a total of 65 vehicles this year. A decided drop from years past, but good news in that we did sell more raffle tickets this year that indicates we should be able to contribute $1600 to the Veterans.

Many thanks to all that made the 2024 Clovis British Car Roundup a success. Special thanks to all our wonderful ladies that braved the elements to be with their British afficionado partners: Sis Tammy for her registration efforts. Sis Gwen, Joanie, Terry and all other volunteer ladies I missed for their great salesmanship at the raffle tables.

Til March 2025,

Safety Fast!

©1997 - 2025 Valley British Auto Club

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