VBAC Monthly Meeting Minutes
February 4, 2025
Seven Bar & Grill, 25 Shaw Ave., Clovis, CA
Attendance: 16
Guest Keith Euranius, RPM Insurance Group (Hagerty Representative), gave a presentation on advantages of Hagerty. Keith will be back for the British Roundup if any members are interested.
Pres. Jon reminded everyone of the upcoming Roundup, March 29 & 30. If you have not entered your vehicle yet, please do so. Those interested in the foothill tour on Saturday, March 29, need to be present in the Clovis Cole parking lot @ 9:30 a.m. for instructions for the prompt ‘clutches out’ departure @ 10:00 a.m. sharp. A head count will be needed so Jon can inform Bobby Salazar’s for lunch reservations.
A critical item that needs to be brought up is the number of people that were under our pop-up shelter at last year’s Roundup. There were a lot of people, because of the rainy weather, that sought shelter with the working members of the VBAC. Many of these folks were not known by club members. We have been blessed with a large number of our ladies helping and there is a major concern of lost and/or stolen handbags. We are all concerned about security and for that reason, we really need to police the area better this year. Jon reported that a CASE of Bro Jim Parnagian’s citrus was ‘lifted’ by someone. Volunteers that help out are very welcome, but people that we feel unsure about should be talked to and dissuaded from ‘hanging out’ under the shelter.
Gates for the Roundup on March 30 will open @ 8:00 a.m. Vehicles will not be put into place prior to 8:00. The show will run from 9:00a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
There will be 7 categories for judging: Best Vintage Brit Vehicle (pre 1980), Best Modern Brit Vehicle, Best Unrestored Brit Vehicle, Best Restored Brit Vehicle, Best Jaguar, Participant’s Choice Award, and President’s Award. Jon will have the list of people that have been assigned as judges for the categories. Jay’s son, Nick, has been developing a QR code for the Participant’s Choice Award that will be used this year. Thanks to Nick for developing this!
Jon mentioned we have some really big sponsors this year including Hagerty Insurance, Moss Motors, and Fresno County Fire.
The Elk’s Club will be open for our use and they will have breakfast burritos for sale.
Next meeting will be at DiCicco’s on March 4.
Meeting adjourned 8:15 p.m.
L. Zerwig/Secretary
January 7, 2025
Cool Hand Luke’s, Clovis, CA
23 Members
Martin welcomed everyone the meeting.
Jon Brothers (President) and Larry Zerwig (Secretary) were absent due to illness- we wish them a speedy recovery.
Key Points:
Told everyone to enter their cars in 2025 Roundup. Jay passed out entry forms. Please make checks to “Valley British Auto Club” do not abbreviate. There are 10 entries. Visit the website.
Jay reported: $8,029.99 in club account. 75 members. British Marque renewal will be paid in February. Since BM is closing subscriptions end in May.
Welcomed new members: Bernie Rapaport, wife Victoria who drove down from Mariposa in a first gen Miata; Karl Beutner who recently moved from the Bay Area at the insistence of his children.
Bill Van Deelen: Cars and Coffee Saturday January 11, 8 AM, Friant & Ft Washington, Let him know if you’ll attend, he’ll reserve space.
No runs are currently planned for February, March. Martin encouraged everyone to present ideas for runs.
Jon Frame reported he rescued 2 Midgets (MG, not circus) and has plans to build a track car.
Martin encouraged everyone to use our website and Facebook for information. Dawn Frame is the Facebook manager. Marty Hardison has done a great job maintaining our website. He also encouraged members to submit a short bio to the website.
Leadership 2025 Valley British Auto Club
President: Jon Brothers
Vice President: Martin Connolly
Secretary: Larry Zerwig
Treasurer: Jay Newsome
Trustees: Steve Phillips
Russ & Tammy Weber
Peter Patriquin
Member at Large: Jon Frame
Newsletter Editor: Larry Zerwig
2025 Roundup Chairman: Jon Brothers
Website Keeper: Marty Hardison
Next meeting: Tuesday, February 4, 2025, Seven Restaurant, Clovis, CA