2023 Toys for Tots
November 4 saw some members of the VBAC join other auto afficionados in passing on some Holiday cheer to those in our community that are not quite as fortunate. Bro Martin was the organizer of this excursion. Bill & Gail (TR-6), Dennis (Double D) (MGB), Peter (MGB), Morris (MGA), and new members Ron & Kathy (MINI) fell in line behind Martin (Mini Cooper) as we proceeded to the entry point of the Pontiacs of Central California Toys for Tots Car Show in Fresno. This show is opened to all vehicles: Classics, Stock, Hot Rods, Customs, Trucks & Motorcycles as proclaimed by their brochure. There wasn’t a mention of British machinery, but we were welcome, none the less. After entry, we deposited our toys at the location provided and proceeded to park our big toys in the designated area.
After downing some wake-up fluid and a donut or two, we proceeded to pick out our personal favorites from the approximate 100 vehicles entered. Soon the Marine Corps Color Guard performed the National Anthem and Morris, as a vet, was gratified seeing everyone being respectful during the ceremony.
The day proceeded with meeting folks and listening to stories of their vehicles as well as providing some of own. Of course, many of the younger fans had a chance to sit behind the wheel of Goblin and then try to figure out how to exit.
At the culmination of the day, Martin picked up the award for Best of Show, Foreign Auto. The Wee Red Beastie is a winner every time! Congratulations to Martin and a big thanks for organizing this fun day.
Safety fast!